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Derived from a Greek word “yeast”.
It is discovered by a scientist named Kuhne in 1878.
They are the biological catalyst which speed up the chemical reactions or catalyze the chemical reaction.
The specialized protein which has the ability to act as a catalyst in a chemical reaction.

Nature of enzyme
All enzymes are protein in nature
They are very specific in their action
They are organic molecules while present per cell up to 2000-3000 in quantity.

They may be extracellular enzyme or intracellular enzyme
Extracellular enzymes
They are trypsin or pepsin. They do not change after a reaction.
Intracellular enzymes
They change after a reaction.

Properties of a enzymes;
1)      Zymogene or pro-enzyme or pre-enzymes.
These are the inactive enzymes
They are activated by other enzymes or other substances.
For example
                 Pepsinogen                  gastric HCl                      pepsin
                 Tripsynogen         enterokinase of pancreas     trypsin.
2) Iso-enzymes;
Any enzyme which exist in multiple form in same organism, catalyst the same reaction.
For example
Lactose degudrogenase catalyses the reversible conversion of pyruvate to lactate.

They may be
LDH1 for heart
LDH2 for reticule endothelial system (breakdown of hemoglobin)
LDH3 for lungs
LDH4 for kidney and pancreas
LDH5 for muscles.

3) Location of enzymes
Enzymes not randomly found in the cells but present in the specific compartments.
For example
 In the liver cells, enzymes for glycolysis is present in cytoplasm..
For citric acid present in mitochondria.

4) Conduction and repression of enzymes
They may be
Constitutive enzymes or inducer or repressor enzymes.
Constitutive enzymes.
They are independent of adding any other substances.
Inducer or repressor enzymes.

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